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Armenian Military Equipment

Armenian Military Equipment - Armenia has always been surrounded by enemies. This is why we need a strong military to protect our countries. The Armenian army was established on January 28, 1992. After the Nagorno-Karabakh war, our soldiers are often sent to the front line between the forces of Artsakh and Azerbaijan.

The Armenian military has cooperated in several international missions with the West. On 12 February 2004, Armenia deployed a platoon-sized unit (three squads) to Kosovo as part of the Greek peacekeeping battalion. The unit, known as the Armenian Peacekeeping Force, is based at the REGAS FEREOS camp as part of the Multinational Task Force East and is tasked with maintaining vehicle checkpoints, providing security for the base, but also acting as a force

Armenian Military Equipment

Azerbaijani Army Seizes More Military Equipment Of Armenian Armed Forces On  Battlefield (Photo)Source:

of rapid response and crowd and riot control. In 2008, the KFOR unit was expanded, adding a second platoon plus company personnel (bringing Armenia's contingent to approximately 85 personnel).[10] Authorities approved and submitted to parliament a draft law to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which will provide victims in Armenia access to an individual complaints mechanism for alleged violations of the Convention.

The Structure Of The Armenian Army

The Armenian diaspora is very active on social media and organized global protests against the occupation. But the impact of their activism was probably tempered by a combination of the global pandemic and the US election.

Both sides used their official Twitter accounts to accuse the other of war crimes or targeting civilians. Again, the lack of a global media focus on the conflict made it difficult to separate facts from claims, or even to attract attention.

The BBC noted several misleading and exaggerated claims by both sides. The most dramatic images, usually of missile or drone attacks, spread through conventional social networks, even TikTok. The Azerbaijani army also destroyed 5 Su-25 attack aircraft, 287 tanks, 69 infantry fighting vehicles, 28 self-propelled artillery installations "Acacia" and "Nejlika", 315 guns of various calibers, 63 grenade launchers, 252 special trucks and 10 vehicles.

. , as well as 7 command posts and 11 ammunition depots of the Armenian troops. Share this via Facebook Share this via Twitter Share this via WhatsApp Share this via Email Other Ways to Share Share this via LinkedIn Share this via Reddit Share this via Telegram Share this via Media Printer and civil society groups published some brutal cases of

Violence Against Women And Children

domestic violence, including a murder in March in Gyumri, when a man beat his female partner to death. He also injured her 13-year-old daughter, who spent months in hospital recovering from the attack. The man is awaiting trial on manslaughter and other charges.

Domestic violence is not a separate crime nor an aggravating circumstance in the criminal code. Some of the military trophies were previously displayed at the Victory Parade in Baku on December 10, 2020. The parade included D-30 and D-20 cannons, T-72 tanks, UAZ Patriot and UAZ Hunter armored vehicles, Ural and KamAZ trucks, Complex

President Ilham Aliyev Reveals List Of Destroyed Armenian Military EquipmentSource:

BM-21 Grad and more. Conspicuously absent from all this was any real attempt at the perennial headline: cyber warfare. In the midst of the conflict, the most notable attempt at cyber exploitation was discovered in the form of an Armenian hack into the emails of Azerbaijani political officials.

It had little, if any, effect in combat and served no deterrent purpose. (Azerbaijan retaliated by shutting down several Armenian websites.) More importantly, as Azerbaijan planned to start the conflict, it blocked Internet access in areas near the conflict zone on both sides, depriving civilians of access to vital information while keeping silent.

Accountability For Law Enforcement Abuse

any revenge or retaliation. Armenian information operations hastily withdrawn. In April, the government approved a strategy and action plan for police reform 2020-2022. The plan includes re-establishing an interior ministry and increasing parliamentary oversight of the police.

The reforms also plan to create a new patrol police and give the police investigative powers. In addition to the destroyed equipment, the Azerbaijani forces received as trophies hundreds of military equipment, including 79 tanks, 47 infantry fighting vehicles, 5 self-propelled artillery installations "Acacia" and "Carnation", 37 guns of various calibers, 62 mortars, 178 grenade launchers

, 270 trucks, 93 special vehicles, 5 "Shilka" anti-aircraft guns, 1380 light weapons and dozens of other weapons. In March, the government responded to the pandemic with a state of emergency that lasted nearly six months and included restrictions on privacy rights and freedom of movement and assembly.

Domestic violence, discrimination against persons with disabilities and violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity continued. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people continue to face harassment, discrimination and violence. The Criminal Code does not recognize homophobia and transphobia as aggravating criminal circumstances in hate crimes.

Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity Sogi

The public debate surrounding the ratification of the Istanbul Convention turned into hate and disparaging speeches against LGBT people by some public officials, who falsely suggested that the convention aims to promote LGBTQ "propaganda" and legitimize same-sex marriage.

Adults with psychosocial or intellectual disabilities may be deprived of legal capacity, or the right to make decisions, and Armenia lacks supported decision-making mechanisms. A bill on the rights of persons with disabilities, which would replace the outdated 1993 law and contain significant improvements, has not yet been tabled in the Riksdag.

Armenia And Azerbaijan Flex Military Muscles While Nagorno-Karabakh Peace  Negotiations Stall - JamestownSource:

Share this via Facebook Share this via Twitter Share this via WhatsApp Share this via Email Other Ways to Share Share this via LinkedIn Share this via Reddit Share this via Telegram Share this via Printer Many military experts say that our country has the strongest and

most combat-ready army in the region. Although Russia supports us with newer equipment, most of it is old, mostly of Soviet origin. Our military equipment includes 529 tanks, 1,000 AFVs (an armored fighting vehicle), 293 artillery pieces, 38 self-propelled guns, 105 rocket artillery pieces and 42 helicopters.

Disability Rights

After the Four Day War, the authorities in Armenia and Artsakh decided to buy more weapons and spend more money on military equipment. The citizens of a country can live in a peaceful environment as long as it has a strong military.

Soldiers are the true heroes and the pride of a nation. They are always ready to defend their country and often sacrifice their lives for the sake of their countrymen. From an underground coordination center, algorithms sifted through intelligence data sets from all sources collected at target locations, flagging unusual patterns of behavior to counter air traffic controllers, who then relayed those anomalies to pilots.

fighters. (Israel's version of the US National Security Agency, IDF Unit 8200, has code-named this program "Gospel.") Israel also says that damage assessments and sophisticated real-time tracking of moving targets from launch sites of artillery were inserted into Iron Dome, allowing Israel precious minutes to orient its system to intercept rockets fired by Hamas.

Israel also says it discovered, through intelligence, that Hamas was using an office tower to attempt to bring down the Iron Dome, without success. These claims will certainly be refined and examined as we learn more about the conflict.

The Army Day

(Israel's proactive police force, which relies on AI and big data, has been criticized for invading the privacy rights of innocent Palestinians.) In Israel, the political situation has become even more complicated since the ceasefire, with no sense of

clearly a winner or a loser; it is difficult to independently evaluate claims for accidents, injuries and goals achieved. That said, Israel's sophisticated state media revealed that they had used computer science to try to minimize casualties and maximize impact.

Azerbaijan Shows Video Footage Of Captured Military Equipment Of Armenian Armed Forces (Video ...Source:

The Covid-19 pandemic and later renewed hostilities over Nagorno-Karabakh dominated events in Armenia. A Russian-brokered ceasefire ended six weeks of fighting on November 10, with Armenia ceding control of some territory to Azerbaijan and not determining the political status of Nagorno-Karabakh.

All parties to the conflict have committed violations of international humanitarian law. Armenian forces carry out attacks with banned cluster munitions. Most of the army's staff officers were members of the former Soviet military as about 5,000 Armenians served as high-level officers in the Soviet Union before the collapse.[7]

Conflict Over Nagorno-Karabakh

Almost immediately after its independence, Armenia became embroiled in the Nagorno-Karabakh war with neighboring Azerbaijan. Aiming to create a force of 30,000, the army's foot strength was increased to 50,000 in early 1994. During the war, the army remained on high alert and strengthened defenses in the Zangezur region, facing the Azerbaijani enclave of Nakhchivan to the west.

Alleged artillery shelling in May 1992 from the region led to clashes between the two sides, including the incursion of the Armenian army into some of the villages. Since 1994, the army has taken an active role in ensuring the defense of the Republic of Karabakh in cooperation with the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army.[8]

Armenia has only two shelters for survivors of domestic violence, run by the Center for Women's Rights, with a total capacity of 17 to 20 people. During the pandemic-related lockdown, the government did not take targeted action to ensure that victims of domestic violence could access shelters.

The Biden administration has passed landmark laws like the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the ChIPS and Science Act, which provide clean energy and semiconductor subsidies...Show more worth over $400 billion. But the incentives encourage American companies to invest only at home — not elsewhere.

Environment And Human Rights

Opportunistic companies in Asia and Europe have already begun shifting investments to the United States. See protests from other parts of the world: A chorus of nations accuse Washington of promoting unfair competition. But it's not just the United States.

All over the world, countries are embarking on ambitious industrial policy projects. What does this mean for trade and globalization? FP's Ravi Agrawal sat down with US Trade Representative Katherine Tai, the top Biden administration official tasked with crafting and implementing White House trade policy.

Azerbaijan Unveils Footage Of Armenian Army Equipment Abandoned On Battlefield (Video) - Trend.azSource:

Watch the conversation on FP Live, the newspaper's live journalism forum, or read a condensed transcript. For several months, due to strict lockdown measures, municipal service centers were closed, discouraging children with disabilities from services such as rehabilitation and therapy.

Services were partially restored when authorities eased lockdown rules. According to authorities, the state mostly continued to provide social services and food aid to children and people with disabilities throughout the shutdown. These brief conflicts offer some preliminary lessons for future combat, particularly regarding the use of air power—F-16 fighter jets on loan to Azerbaijan from Turkey, a new fleet of drones against a more gravity-constrained Armenian military,

Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

and Israel's claim to have used artificial intelligence to drive the targeting. The situation on the Artsakh-Azerbaijan contact line is calm today, but war could break out at any moment. Our army must be very careful and ready to fight and win.

Although Azerbaijan remains our main enemy, we hope that the conflict will be resolved in the near future and that our nations will live in peace. Otherwise, we are always ready to fight and defend our countries, even to the last drop of blood.

The authorities remained determined to stop the institutionalization of children with disabilities. During the pandemic, they continued to convert several residential facilities for children into community centers and support family-based care. However, many children with disabilities remain segregated in specialized orphanages.

January 28 is a national holiday in Armenia. On that day we commemorate the troops of our army. Army Day was celebrated for the first time in 2001. It is one of the most prominent days in our calendar because our army is the only defender of our country.

The day is celebrated with great pride among both local Armenians and the diaspora. “The equipment presented here is a small portion of the destroyed and seized enemy equipment. [Some] 125 artillery guns, 366 tanks, 7 S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, more than 50 other anti-aircraft missile systems, 522 trucks and other equipment were destroyed and taken as trophies,” the president said.

Since the end of the Nagorno-Karabakh war, Armenia has committed many parts of the military to help strengthen its defenses and protect the unrecognized Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh from a possible renewal of hostilities with neighboring Azerbaijan.

Military Equipment Abandoned By Armenian Army On Battlefield (Photo / Video) - Trend.azSource:

Jane's World Armies reports that both conscripts and officers from Armenia are routinely sent to serve in Karabakh, often stationed on the front line between Armenian and Azerbaijani Karabakh forces.[5] The Armenian Army (Armenian: هایکاکان رایک‎) is the largest branch of the Armed Forces of Armenia and consists of the ground forces responsible for the country's ground operations.

It was created along with other elements of the Armenian military on January 28, 1992, a few months after the republic declared its independence from the Soviet Union.[2] The first commander of the army was former Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Main Staff of the Soviet Land Forces, Norat Ter-Grigoryants.[3]

In line with its strategic allies, Armenia has sent over 1,500 officers to train in Greece and Russia.[4] Relations between the US and China seem to be getting colder by the day. For its part, Washington has made a series of policy choices in recent years that can be summed up ... Show tougher on Beijing, even trying to limit the growth of the world's second largest economy.

Is the Biden administration's China policy too tough? And how can it affect the world? Jessica Chen Weiss, former senior adviser for policy planning at the State Department under the Biden administration, argues that the United States is being consumed by competition with China, a strategy that could lead to dangerous conflicts.

Is Weiss right? Join FP's Ravi Agrawal for a candid discussion about the Biden administration's China policy and the options it should consider. In September, the government replaced the state of emergency with a special regime until January 11, which allows the national government to impose national or local shutdowns and restrictions on gatherings and protests, without declaring a state of emergency.

Armenian law does not effectively protect survivors of domestic violence, putting their lives and well-being at risk. The Council of Europe's Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) had not yet been sent to parliament for ratification.

The government signed the convention in 2018. Armenia plans to guarantee inclusive education by 2025, where children with and without disabilities study together in municipal schools. Due to the pandemic, schools switched to distance learning in March, but mostly reopened in September.

According to a survey, more than half of children with disabilities in Armenia only partially participated in distance classes. For some children, distance education increased access to classrooms. But for others, it created additional barriers, in part due to a lack of guidelines for providing inclusive education through distance learning, as well as a lack of supports — so-called reasonable accommodations — needed for inclusion, including assistive devices, appliances

hearing aids, Braille books, or other accommodations.

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